Report Date:
http://www.kenssport.comWe had a few more reports come in from Kirman this week, it still seems like the brookies are being pretty shy but the cutts are active many of them are going over 20 inches right now. The fly anglers are using mostly streamers like seal buggers, stillwater nymphs and simi seal leeches, I'd also recommend dropping a soft hackle, zug bug or ap emerger off the back. There has been some fish caught on lures as well like rooster tails and thomas bouyants. We did here some news of fish being caught out in the middle of the lake and not just from the shoreline. It still doesn't seem to be red hot up there yet but a lot of anglers are getting into at least 2 or 3 fish. As the weather warms up the damsels and scud should start being more active as well.