FISH REPORT - Sept 18th - 27th

Team Supreme

Report Date:

Saturday, September 25th, 2010 Good afternoon friends. We spent just a handful of the morning hours fishing and we were able to throw on a few more handfuls of fish before we had to point her on course for home. After catching some yellowtail and yellowfin tuna on the anchor, we trolled around and managed to coax a couple of those wahoo to latch onto our jigs and shortly after, things dried up and we made the call to break down gear and prepare for the trek home.




So we got all the gear bundled up, scrubbed the boat from bow to stern, and then dined on fresh yellowtail with Schooler's lemon-butter caper sauce before most headed down for a nap. As of five minutes ago, we made the afternoon snack call as the galley gang prepared a sushi spread for the folks to enjoy. I'm currently typing as fast as I can so I don't miss out. The rave reviews are starting to make me hungry. So there you have it. We are putting a bow on this 8 day trip and our traveling weather is windy, but with a light swell, the ride is fine. I'll say one thing, if the weatherman had a Facebook page, we would not become fans. Anyhow, this will be our last report for a few days so in closing, we would like to say thank you to our group of anglers that we have on-board currently for being a great cast of characters and making this trip that much more enjoyable. These guys deserved the excellent fishing that we had and this will be one of those trips that they'll be talking about for years to come. So thank you very much from the members of Team Supreme and we'll see you next year. Like I said, this will be our final report for a few days but we'll still be traveling up until our arrival to Fisherman's Landing on Monday morning. For our ETA back to the dock Monday, please give the office a call at 619-390-7890. Take care everyone and enjoy the weekend. We'll chat with you again on October 5th as we depart on our final 5 day trip of the season. If your schedule allows, give Susan a call and come join us as we still have a few openings left. Hope to see you guys then. Be good. Ricardo y Groupo Supremo Sept. 19th - 27th 8 Day Trip More Photos

Friday, September 24th, 2010 Good evening everyone. A little change of venue for us was welcomed with open/sore arms as we put forth our best effort to capture some wahoo, yellowtail, dorado, pargo, grouper, and yellowfin tuna. In short, we were successful in capturing five of the six species so all that's left for us is to hopefully tag a couple of pargo. Basically, that's all that's left for us to accomplish on the species list for the trip and that's going to be our plan for this evening's fishing activities. With that, I'll fill you in on our day. In the morning time, we anchored up on the spot to catch some yellowtail and catch some yellowtail is what we did. Kind of a mixed up grade from 15-28 lbs. and all sizes in between. Fly-lining sardines and jigs worked fine but the dropper loop seemed to be the best method for hooking the yellows. For a while there, we didn't know what we were going to bring up from the bottom; yellowtail or grouper. That's right, we did capture a couple of hands full of nice grouper to go along with our yellowtail bounty and after things dried up, the tuna's decided to let their presence be known. Not the cleanest tuna fishing we've seen and when I say not the cleanest, what I mean is that it wasn't straight 15-25 lb. yellowfin tuna, it was more mixed up with 4-8 lbers and some small skipjack tuna. We shook our share of those "dinks" off and after weeding thru the small stuff, we were rewarded with a decent score on the better grade tuna to round out our day. We didn't necessarily "clobber em" today, but that wasn't our mindset to begin with. We just took what the ocean offered to us and the gang had a fun day at the rail. Hopefully we can add some pargo and a couple more wahoo to the RSW well and end our trip on the highest of notes. So we're anchored up, awaiting Chef Schooler's sesame seared ahi dinner to be served, and maybe a few brave souls will drop a line down to see what they end up with. Maybe they won't, but we'll be here all night and we'll be fishing for a few hours tomorrow before we wrap it up and head up the line to San Diego. Our weather is OK for now and the weatherman says that we're going to have nice weather for the remainder of our trip, we'll see about that. So wish us luck and we hope everyone out there has a great start to their weekends. Enjoy yourselves. Richie and the boys. Thursday, September 23rd, 2010 Hello everybody. We once again started off this morning by getting to the rail early, getting the kites up early, and hoping for a nice morning whack on the tuna. Everything went according to plan and we just kept things rolling for the remainder of the morning up until the time we decided to bail around lunch time. Although this morning's fishing was slower than the previous days, our anglers have had their fill on 40-75 lb. yellowfin tuna so it wasn't too big of a deal. So with that, we pulled anchor, trolled around for a little bit, and caught a handful of wahoo before bidding this place farewell and began the trek to our next destination for our final leg of our trip. Our traveling weather is quite nice and we're in "search mode" for a kelp paddy holding dorado and/or wahoo as we speak. So there you have it. Our fish holds are wedged with beautiful yellowfin tuna and after bringing up our bait, the center slammer has now been turned into our last RSW fish hold and it's up to the boys to throw something down there. What do we plan on throwing down there? Wahoo, dorado, yellowtail, pargo, and maybe a grouper or two. What are we having for dinner? Veal chops, risotto, veggies, and warm brownies with vanilla ice cream. I'm not to hyped on the veal chop but you can bet your sweet tush I'm stoked on the brownies and ice cream. Who's birthday is it today? Our very own Chase "Little Squirrel" Burke is turning 20 years of age today. Happy birthday Newt. Anyhow, we're out. Wish us luck and have a great day/night. Richie and the Family. Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010 Howdy friends. To be completely honest with you, I was going to walk in the wheelhouse, turn on the computer, and for my report this evening I was going to type "see yesterday's report". In actuality, we did have a few things that were different today than yesterday so the intended report would not have been totally truthful. I wouldn't want to do you guys like that so here is the report for today. We hooked our first tuna a little after it got light out and from that point forward it just kept getting better. Steady fishing on 40-70 lb. yellowfin tuna was once again the "norm" for our anglers with only a couple of the smaller grade fish being hooked. Almost straight big fish. If you could get a hot bait to swim away from the boat and stay out of a tangle (way easier said than done), you had a quality tuna on the end of your line. With the fly-lined action and the kite action, we stayed very busy this morning. We had some flurries that really put anglers and crew alike to the test and I'd like to think that we all passed with flying colors. Standout fish of the day went to Scott Oberg with an estimated 90 lb. yellowfin tuna, we'll see the true weight at the docks but nonetheless a beauty of a fish. At about 3:00 pm, for whatever reason, the action really slowed down and soon thereafter, the bite was completely shut off. Our anglers didn't mind, they needed the rest and took full advantage of resting sore muscles. After only two days of being here, the gang are all worn down and in need of a well-deserved break. The break will be short-lived though as we'll be doing this again tomorrow. Eventually, all good things must come to an end...just not tomorrow. Not yet. So that's it. We had almost the exact same score today as we did yesterday on all species so we are thrilled about that to say the least. As for our weather, it kicked up a bit last night and sleeping, or lack thereof, was an adventure. The good news is it seems like it's come down a notch and it isn't as horrible as it was before - knock on wood. With two stellar days under our belts, we hope to continue the trend tomorrow and finish our stay down here with a bang. Have a splendid night and pray for good weather on our end of things. Richie and the boys. Tuesday, September 21st, 2010 Good evening everyone. Here is our report for our first day of fishing on-board the Polaris Supreme. We had terrible wahoo fishing, we had absolutely horrible dorado fishing, and we had downright pathetic yellowtail fishing. The fishing for yellowfin tuna however was enough to make us forget about the lame fishing we had for the other species, at least for today. Alright, enough joking around. Bottom line, we had a great day on the tuna from 40-70 lbs. with a handful of 12-25 lb. fish to keep things interesting. The weather is rather uncomfortable so we did pull our share of hooks today but all in all, we captured a good percentage of what we hooked so that was a major plus. Even with sitting on the anchor, we bounced around quite a bit today but the fish didn't seem to mind one bit as they bit very well for us from when we arrived until the sun was long below the horizon. There wasn't a long period of time throughout the day when we didn't have 1-4 fish going with an occasional flurry of having 5-8 hooked up at once. Not a bad way to start off our trip if you ask me. In closing, judging by the smiles on everyone's faces and the Ibuprofen being passed around from crewmember to crewmember, we had an excellent day and we see no reason why we can't stay here and try for a repeat of today for tomorrow. Call it luck, karma (I think it's karma), the tuna god's, call it whatever. For whatever reason we smoked em' today and our day couldn't have been any better - fishing wise. You could be a "Debbie Downer" and say that we could've had some more wahoo but you won't hear a whisper of negativity from the gang on-board. They're happy, they're hungry, they're tired. So are we. We wouldn't have it any other way. See you tomorrow and keep wishing us luck. Richie and the Polaris Supremes'. P.S. Scott would like to say hello to Brendan. Brendan, you're dad had a very good day today and we hope to see you out here with him in the near future. Also, hey Kub. I lost my duck-bill's over the side this morning. Thought you'd like to know that. Love, Richie. Monday, September 20th, 2010 Good evening sports fans. Today was a full day of rigging, seminars, eating, sleeping, and motoring down with the swell (thankfully) to "the spot" where the fishing part of this expedition will finally begin. We are all giddy with excitement as the anticipation of pulling on yellowfin tuna, wahoo, yellowtail, and dorado for the next few days is getting to be too much for our fragile little minds to handle. The classic question of "are we there yet?" is becoming the standard ice breaker to the beginnings of a conversation on-board and thank goodness we don't have another day of travel tomorrow. To answer the million dollar question - No. We are not there yet but we will be sometime in the early morning hours of the 21st. To say that we're all very eager to go fishing is an understatement. We're ready. We are very, very ready. As I write this, the news that a turkey feast for dinner has just been handed up. How fitting right? We're all in need of a sleep aid tonight and you couldn't ask for a better meal to be served. Thanks Chef Schooler. Lastly, the good reports keep broadcasting from the boats in the area and we can't help but have visions of excellent fishing for us tomorrow. I hope we're not getting too up to be let down. We'll see though. I have to think that we have some good karma rolling around the boat and we're going to roll in there and get a nice shot at them. On that note, wish us luck as tomorrow is finally the day we've been waiting for. We'll report back to you as the day concludes. The crew and Richie. Sunday, September 19th, 2010 Hi friends, remember us? Just your pal's over here on the Polaris Supreme checking in. We departed San Diego early this morning to embark on our first 8 day trip of the season with plenty of familiar faces coming to join us. Our bait loading couldn't have gone any smoother as we took on plenty of gorgeous sardines along with a nice mix of 6" mackerel to add some variety and color to our tanks. As of now, our bait looks to be in good condition and we're excited about putting them to good use in the near future. The passengers had a pretty laid back morning for their first day on-board. The gang stowed away their gear, watched movies, talked shop, and enjoyed a nice southerly course to our intended destination. As for the crew, it was a pretty standard first trip back for us. Making sure our equipment is in working order, trying to remember where everything goes, and attempting to regain our "sea legs" without falling down and embarrassing ourselves. Thankfully, we were successful in doing all three and the routine is starting to feel somewhat normal again. Not a whole lot to report to you today but I figured since I haven't put my fingers to the keyboard in a couple weeks that I would give you a solid rundown and do a nice little report for you fine folks at home. One of these days I'll keep things short and simple for you...not today. So that's it. We're back in the saddle and everything feels right again. Fishing reports from the area sound very, very good and the weather reports sound very, very poor. The weather is forecasted to come down in the upcoming days so hopefully the weather guy is right on with his predictions and we can swap out our beanies for sun visors. Currently, we have the swell/wind on our quarter, it's a bit chilly, but our ride is just fine. Wish us luck and we'll report back to you tomorrow evening. Take care. Richie and crew.

If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 706-3634 to get in on the action.

More Reports

FISH REPORT - Aug 26th - Sept 3rd

Team Supreme

Report Date:

Friday, September 3rd, 2010 Buenos noches amigos. Our final day day of travel aboard Garry Roberts 9 day trip was spent in normal fashion for us. The weather last night was a little bit bumpy but we broke on thru to the other side and enjoyed a very nice day of weather from early this morning to right now. This morning the passengers completed the break down of their gear as us crew members completed our standard clean up/maintenance......

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FISH REPORT - Aug 20th - 24th

Team Supreme

Report Date:

Friends, I have some excellent news. WE CAUGHT A WHITE SEABASS...FINALLY! I was beginning to think that these fish where just some urban legend or a figment of our imaginations. Anyhow, we arrived to the spot at around 2:00 in the morning, dropped the anchor, and the gang got after it with various jigs and dropper loop assortments. It was that type of fishing where you just send your rig to the bottoms, cradle your rig under your arm, sip......

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