Nov. 7 - 17, 2011

Team Supreme

Report Date:

 Thursday, November 17th, 2011

Good evening friends. Wrapping up the 2011 OTR 10-day trip, the big fish honors go as follows: Matt Kiesse - 193.6 lb. Yellowfin tuna, Lon Mikkelsen 149.4 lb. Yellowfin tuna, and Mike "Wedding Bells" Payne rounds out our top three with his 140.0 lb. Yellowfin tuna. Honorable mentions go to Doug "Stick-Bird" Pineo for his 201.2 lb cow and Yacoob Vaheb caught his personal best of 150.0 lbs. Good going to the boys and most everyone on the boat caught a very nice fish in the 75-125 lb. class. For our two days on the bank, it was decent fishing for those lunker Yellowfin's and if we would've caught what we saw, it would've been a trip for the ages. No shortage of fish around just a shortage of bites and consistency, but we made the most of our chances and ended up with a nice load of big tuna to show for it.

We'd like to issue some thanks to a few individuals aboard this last trip. First, we'd like to thank Mike Payne for bringing some crab for all of the folks to enjoy for a dinner and also for bringing some shirts from Rocky Point Resort in Petersburg, Alaska. Second, we got to thank Ben "Bendo" Meyer for once again putting together a great recipe/picture book and CD to give to the folks. Where he gets the time and energy to do such a magnificent job on that book is beyond me. That thing is pro from front to back. And lastly, Lon Mikkelsen. His enthusiasm towards fishing, trying new tactics, and laid-back attitude makes the trip for all to enjoy. He wants to catch all kinds of fish and it doesn't matter if it's rockcod, squid, cow tuna, or any other species we might fish for; he just loves to fish. Also, he's one of the funniest guys around. Thanks to everyone for joining Lon and Greg once again this year and we hope to see all of you next year. The OTR trip is a "can't miss" trip and if anyone is interested in joining Lon on the Polaris Supreme for next years trip, I have a solid piece of advice for you; book early.

So that is all. We'll be departing this evening for a 6-day Guadalupe Island trip devoting our time to Great White shark research. Our next report will be on Saturday from the cages. Take care and we'll chat with you then.

-Team Supreme-

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

Hi friends. Not a whole lot to report today. We made a couple of stops for the guys who wanted to fill out their Yellowtail limit and for those who just wanted to do a little catch and release. Other than that, we just ate, read, played cribbage, and took naps the duration of the day and we concluded this evening's dinner with Lon handing out a bunch of OTR gear and countless other goodies to the fine folks aboard. Tommy bypassed a two-hundred bottle of wine for a "Chum King" chumming device that you can send to the bottom, pull a cord, and chum disperses. It looks a lot like those things that when you drive up to the bank teller and you put the money or deposit into the tubes and they shoot off to the teller at Mach speed. I guess it's the gift that keeps on giving because a bottle of wine only gives you fun for one night. Looking back on it, excellent choice, Tommy.

Well, us and Tommy's new toy are going to try to capture some of those tasty Vermilion rockfish and Lingcod for a few hours tomorrow so we'll let you know how things wind up. Our weather is absolutely awesome and we're extremely fortunate to have the sea conditions that we are experiencing right now. We'll be dropping our loops tomorrow morning, wish us luck and we'll report back to you in the evening.

-Team Supreme-

Monday, November 14th, 2011

Hi friends. We made it to the grounds first thing this morning and immediately began dropping Yellowtail in the wells. It wasn't great fishing by any means but it was a good pick on 'tails averaging right around the 15-18 lb. mark. After our morning, we looked around for some tuna sign and after locating a nice school on one of the shallows, it wasn't long after we came tight on the anchor that we started hooking some. Problem was, it was mostly Black Skipjack, not cool. After a while of weeding out the junk, our fishing became pretty clean fishing on some school-sized Yellowfin. We caught a healthy catch of these Yellowfin's for the remainder of the afternoon and we also managed to capture a couple of Wahoo for our day. It was a good day for us on the Supreme and along with our good fishing, we also had pretty nice weather to boot. For tomorrow, we'll be traveling for most of the day but I'm sure we'll have some time to do a little Yellowtail and Grouper fishing. With a good load of tuna on the boat for the gang, it's time to start making way up the line and finish out our trip on Yellows and tasty bottom-dwellers.

So that is all. Our weather is a bit sloppy this evening but we'll see what happens tomorrow morning. We'll chat with you at this time tomorrow evening.

-Team Supreme-

Sunday, November 13th,  2011

Hi folks. Tough day for us as we ventured offshore in search of bigger tuna. Things just weren't right and although we saw sign of fish, it wasn't our day to catch any. With that, we motored up the line to see if we couldn't snag us some Wahoo or find some school-sized tuna. No-go on the tuna but we did troll up a few Wahoo for our day. Our day consisted of beautiful sea conditions but a ton of rain. From about mid-morning all the way until we were finished making bait this evening, it poured on us and although the boat and gear needed a good fresh watering, it got a little old after about hour five of non-stop precipitation. Oh well, it could've been worse, it could've been windy with large seas, or it could've snowed. It's just one of the many elements that we have to deal with while out on the open-ocean.


So that is all. Not too much to report other than we're making our way up the line to do some offshore fishing tomorrow for a variety of species and hopefully, our report will tell a tale of lots of different fish and sunshine. We'll see and wish us luck. We'll chat with you tomorrow.


-Team Supreme-


p.s. Everyone on the boat would like to say congratulations to Herb Yamanaka and the Oregon Ducks. The "luck" was not with the Cardinal on this day, it was all about the Ducks, good going and we miss you and your enthusiasm on this trip! Tell Donna, I say hi as well. Lastly, we miss you too, Craig. Wish you were here with the gang.

Saturday, November 12th, 2011

Hi friends. Different type of day for us down here in the tuna zone. Unlike yesterday, we just kind of scratched for bites throughout the day and we ended up a handful of fish short of our mark yesterday but for some reason, it seemed a little bit slower. We had a good day regardless but I guess when the action is spaced out throughout the day rather than hot and heavy for half of it, it seemed like a slower day than our fish count would indicate. Anyhow, our guys caught most of our fish on lighter outfits today, which wasn't a problem because we never hooked a real heavy fish and if we did, it got off early in the fight. Most of our fish today was in the 80-120 lb. range with a few bigger in the mix. Yacoob has been hot stick all trip and he keeps beating his personal bests and today he did it once again with a 146 lb. tuna to take big fish honors for the day. Our weather today was too good for most of the day. Hot, sunny, and windless. Most excellent conditions for getting your bronze on but in the case of trying to get a kite to fly anywhere but straight up, not the best conditions. We had some breeze get on us in the afternoon for a while but it backed back off to nothing by days end. With our day complete, we're happy with our two days down here and for tonight, we'll be making a move to another area and we'll see if we can't make a day of it. We've enjoyed our two days down here but for now, we're hoping for a shot at some trophies. We'll see.

So that is all. Our weather, like I said, is most excellent and when the bite is on in the galley, Chef Schooler has been keeping the troops well-fed and happy. We'll be fishing first thing tomorrow morning and we'll report to you tomorrow evening. Take care and wish us luck.

-Team Supreme-

Friday, November 11th, 2011

Hi friends. As lunch was just finishing up, it was looking like it was going to be a real long day for us. A long day of watching Yellowfin tuna blow out on baits only twenty feet from the boat and the two fish that we did hook eventually swam to their freedom. But right as second call for lunch was finishing up, we boated one. It taped just under 97 lbs. Beautiful, healthy fish. As everyone on the boat sat around and admired the fish, all of a sudden, the light switch turned on. Boom, the kite rigs went off. Boom, a couple bait fish are hooked. After that, it was on 'til the break of dawn, as they say. Not literally but from that point on, we stayed busy all the way until they quit biting just before dark. The grade of fish we caught went like this; a bunch in the 65-100 lb. range, a bunch in the 100-125 lb. range, and a handful of 140-190 lb. range. Big fish of the day and personal best goes to Doug "Stick-Bird" Pineo for his 193 lb. beauty that he hooked on the kite. For half of the day, it was painfully slow. For the other half, it was all we could handle. You know it's good when Chef Schooler has to get out on deck with us and for a while, he was getting crazy out there with us. Hopefully, we need Schooler all day tomorrow.

Other than the smiling faces, thrill of victory, and the absolutely windless, sunny, flat-calm weather was most definitely the show that we were treated to by these tuna-fish. Has anybody seen the early nineties fishing DVD "Deep Color"? It was filmed on-board the Polaris Supreme back when Tommy was trimmed into size thirty-two jeans and rockin' a heavy mullet. We all remember the scene vividly; an absolute foamer of big fish going ballistic was the camera captured the melee as the boat was sliding up to it. I believe you can see clips on YouTube of this exact scene if you search for it. Well, we saw this same scene about seven or eight times today with one being close to the size of football field full of 60-200+ lb. fish going absolutely insane. Solid white-water and destruction was the only thing we saw as these fish would stay up for some as long as five minutes and one spot being only about two-hundred feet or closer from the boat. It was crazy, one of those sights that you're lucky if you see once in your career and we saw it multiple times. It was a shame that we didn't get footage of it as we were busy with our own fish on the line but man, it was one of those moments where you just had to stop what you were doing and admire the beautiful disaster that was taking place. Awesome day all the way around. We could get really nit-picky and say what could've made this day better, but that would pure insanity. We had a great day.

So that is all. Our weather remained A+ all day and the bronzing was most definitely on, all day. Fishing was hectic for half of a day and we're looking to do the same tomorrow for hopefully the duration of the day, we'll see. We made a tank of google-y eyes (Mackerel) after dinner and we'll be at it again tomorrow morning at 0500. Wish us luck.

-Team Supreme-

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

Hey gang. We had some of the best weather we've had offshore all year today and saw tons of life of all kinds of species today to boot. Humpback whales, Sperm whales, Dolphin, Magnificent Frigate-birds, Bonaportes Gulls, and hundreds upon hundreds of turtles flappin' along their little flippers and getting their shell a nice bronze all throughout our sunny day. What we caught most of our fish on today was a dead seal that was LOADED with all the Dorado that we wanted. We had a lot of fun catching and just watching these beautiful creatures and we also caught one Wahoo for our efforts as well. Like I said; good weather, excellent bronzing conditions, and good Dorado fishing made for a fun day and we're currently motoring down to finally be arriving to the tuna zone tomorrow morning. We'll have lines in the water at O'dark thirty and wish us luck. Sorry about a short report, we've all got to get rested up for tomorrow and hopefully we have a good report to send to you on Friday. Wish us luck, wish us luck, wish us luck.

-Team Supreme-

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Good evening friends. Sloppy conditions made for a rough morning but we had a little action on some Dorado to keep things interesting. The weather was cold, the seas were confused, and the wind made for quite a snappy boat ride that usually is a very nice boat ride. It was nothing that we can't handle but it sure was an unpleasant surprise. Anyhow, around lunch time, the conditions began to greatly improve and by the time we were just arriving to our destination, it was flat calm and sunny. Most everyone took the opportunity to get their bronze on and we also took the opportunity to pull on some school-grade tuna in the 12-20 lb. range. It wasn't a very hot bite but it was steady enough to have a little fun for our afternoon. We hung around until dark and after the sun had set, we decided to bust a move even more southerly to put ourselves in position to do some Yellowtail fishing in the morning and from there, we'll be offshore looking for bird schools holding Dorado and hopefully some Wahoo too. We're currently en route and we'll be fishing first thing in the dark of morning. We'll see what happens.

That is all. Our weather is awesome and it's looking like more of the same for tomorrow's forecast. We'll see what tomorrow brings and see if we can't get some flatheads and some skin located before we find ourselves in cow country. Wish us luck and we'll chat with you tomorrow evening.

-Team Supreme-  

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

Hi friends. Easy traveling for us this morning and with the completion of our tackle seminars and rigging, we made a brief stop at one of our favorite Yellowtail spots. The fishing was just OK on decent grade 'tails with our best stops coming on bird schools just before the darkness of the night put a stop to our fishing. We succeeded in what we wanted to accomplish; catch a few fish to break up the ride for the passengers and catch a few for the galley. With that, we're motoring south this evening to put ourselves at our next destination sometime tomorrow after lunch. Hopefully, we have a banner day on Yellowfin tuna, Bluefin tuna, Wahoo, Dorado, Yellowtail, Pargo, and Grouper. We'll see.

Not a whole lot to report today. Just an easy day of travel with a little fishing to boot. Our weather is fine traveling down but when we did stop on schools today, it was windy and cold. We'll see how the weather plays out tomorrow as we arrive to more southerly latitudes. Thanks for checking in and we'll report back with you tomorrow.

-Team Supreme-  

Monday, November 7th, 2011

Hi folks. After a little break in the schedule, we departed this morning on our 2011 Ocean Tackle Research/Humboldt Lumberjack 10-day extravaganza. Our bait loading went nice and smooth and we're happy with our load of sardines that we put in the wells. We'll see how much they enjoy warmer climates and we'll keep monitoring them throughout our travels. We didn't do a whole lot today other than eat, sleep, and rig some tackle but come tomorrow, we'll be in full-on tackle mode as we begin major preparations for our upcoming fishing activities.

To start things off, we'll do a little island Yellowtail fishing tomorrow afternoon to break up our southerly journey. The Yellowtail fishing has been pretty good for the boats traveling up and down so we'll give it a shot and see if we can't throw a few tags on some gill plates and catch a couple for our dinner plates. That's all we have so far on the agenda and we'll be taking things day by day. We'll keep you posted on our daily whereabouts and anything else interesting. We're happy with our weather and we're happy to be back out on the water.

-Team Supreme-

If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 706-3634 to get in on the action.

More Reports

Oct. 15 - 23, 2011

Team Supreme

Report Date:

  Hey Anglers, Just a follow up on the jackpot winners for our Joe Gigliotti/Accurate Trip, that arrived back to the dock on the 23rd. First place went to Dr. Alan Hermer with a 44 lb. wahoo. Second place went to Tomas Rodriguez with a 26.2 lb. yellowtail. And third was Kevin Brumfield with a 24 lb. yellowtail. And an honorable mention also goes to Tomas Rodrigues for his 70.4 lb. wahoo. Again we want to thank Joe for putting together such......

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Oct. 8 - 11, 2011

Team Supreme

Report Date:

Monday, October 10th, 2011 Hi friends and happy Columbus Day. For the morning time up until around 1300 hours this afternoon, we sure felt like Columbus. The on-going search for a kelp paddy was getting to the point where I felt that we were going to sail right off the map and into oblivion. Between myself and our mast-men, we searched high and low with the one other boat in the upper area until our eyes were beginning to bleed and......

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