Tuesday, April 24th, 2012
Hi friends.With the boat contained, masked off and ready for the primer coat to be applied, the painters showed up and Tommie (the new guy) and myself stuck around to help as the other guys enjoyed a half-day. I can honestly say that Tommie and myself might be down a few brain cells from all of the fumes but we'repretty smart dudes and we had plenty to spare Other than that, everything went smoothly and three coats were sprayed on and everything should be ready to go tomorrow for a light sanding of the primer coat to prepare for the gloss coat to be applied in the next couple of days. There is some rain in the forecast for the next couple of days so we'll see how everything plays out as we're at the mercy of the weather. Everything has gone smoothly so far so we're hoping for more of the same. Some of the photos enclosed are the before and after of a few of the spots that were painted today and a few shots of the containment chores we had to accomplish beforehand. As of now, the boat looks like a brand new 2001 Toyota. By Friday, the Polaris Supreme should look like a brand new, "snow white" Mercedez Benz. All of the hard work is starting to come together and the Supreme is going to be looking mighty fine for the start of the season.
Speaking of the beginning of the season, I chatted with our neighbor, Captain Aaron Remy of the long-range vessel Searcher and as he was bringing the boat back up from Cabo San Lucas, he said he saw some spots of breaking tuna. It was a ways down there but a good sign for this early season. If you haven't booked a trip yet, don't be afraid of some of those early trips on our schedule as the past few years have seen some of the better tuna fishing has been in June and July. Be sure to give our office a call at (619) 390 - 7890 and chat with Susan about jumping on some trips.
For now, we'll just keep on working away at upgrading the Supreme. We'll chat with you tomorrow and enjoy the
photos of our activities. Take care.
=Richie & Team Supreme-
If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 706-3634 to get in on the action.