Report Date:
~~Aug. 27
Today we looked at an awful lot of schools, non biting unfortunately. I heard Tommy throw out a number and I'll share it with you. 17. That's the number of schools we stopped on today. We caught 2 bluefin all day. A 65 pounder and an 80 pounder or so. So that's our day in a nutshell. I think most of you all have been there before. We're headed in. I'll be taking the boat out tomorrow for 9 days.
Drew and crew
Report Date:
~~Aug. 26 Whenever you end well it makes you feel like you had a good day. When you start well and end slow you get that "it wasn't a good day" feel to it. Today we started slow and finished strong. We had a good day. We looked at a lot of fish this morning but only one would bite. We had one fish well after lunch. We then found an area that for some reason the fish we found wanted......
Report Date:
~~Aug 25 Once again, today we had a good day. We started our day off fishing bait. Wide darn open on the small greenies. I was singing the Who song "rain on me" because it was raining bait. It didn't take long to get what we needed for the day and we headed off to the bluefin grounds which is right there. We had one OK stop but right before lunch was our good one. I remember because I ordered my......