Report Date:
~~Sep. 13
And we're off again. This time for 8 days. We got a pretty good jump at things today. We cleared the point at lunch time which keeps our options open on where we can fish tomorrow and the next day. I'm still not sure where we'll be tomorrow. I may not be sure until I wake up in the morning and look at the hurricane coming up from below the cape. As it's forecasted now, it's definitely going to effect our decisions on where we'll fish this trip and when. But don't worry at home, we'll keep a safe distance from the dangerous winds at all times. Find out tomorrow where I decided to start fishing.
Drew and crew
Report Date:
~~Sep. 12 Slow morning, strong afternoon was how the fishing went down today. We had 2 fish by lunch time and I was feeling the pressure. Thankfully at noon the sonar went boom boom and we went sideways for a few hours. Let me try and give you a picture of how things looked out here. The fishing was wide open on a mixed school of skipjack and yellowfin. We had 23 passengers and basically 23 rent rods. Chaos out here......
Report Date:
~~Sep. 11 Hello all and welcome back. Or welcome me back or... you know what I mean. I'm back. 5 days off and I'm back on the water and reporting to you. I met the boat at the dock at 6:30 in the morning and was pleased to see the stern deck loaded up with tuna. A good catch they had. Well we off loaded everything and everyone, went and changed oil and put enough fuel on board to last us......