Report Date:
~~Oct. 10
So here's what went down today aboard the Polaris Supreme. We slept in this morning. Breakfast wasn't until 9ish. As far as the crew goes Tommy made us a whole long sheet of a work list that kept us busy most of the day. After breakfast we did our wahoo seminar which we were all delighted to have deckhand Mark present it to us. Fantastic. After that JC had a gift for us all. A brand new pair of electric sunglasses which for me could not have come at a better time. I was in dire straights for shades so THANK YOU JC!!! After was the movie of the day which was Wolf Street and in between was lunch and then some rigging of tackle by some of the passengers. Nap time was next and then cocktail hour and now we're doing dinner. Cornish game hens tonight. Last night was prime rib. And after is bed time because we have another tough day to look forward to tomorrow.
Drew and crew
Report Date:
~~Oct. 9 Good evening to everyone at home or wherever you may read this. After one night dockside we were back to the boat this afternoon. We headed to the fuel dock and changed oil and fuel filters, filled her all the way up on fuel, grabbed some brine making salt and loaded 2 weeks worth of food. Shortly after getting back to Fishermans Landing, all our dogs got here. I'm talking about George, Craig, Charlie, the Jer-bear, the Bry man,......
Report Date:
~~Oct. 6 Here we go again. One last short trip of the year. My last trip as the captain. El Capitan, Master, number 1,el jefe, the chief... After this one Tommy comes out for 15 days. You'll still get my blogs though because I'll be here. Right now though I'm thinking about this trip right here that we're on right now. I'm feeling some dorado and tuna tomorrow. I'm hoping we get it done early and I have the problem of......