Report Date: have been good for smaller fish the past week. Early morning outing can catch some good Trico hatches. Fish small midge patterns high in the Power House 2 riffle, or try swinging leeches or damsel nymphs in the slower sections up near cut banks. Early morning and late evening are your best bet to spot fish coming up for mayflies, the evening best for caddis.
Swinging leeches and streamers is a proven technique anytime on Hat Creek.
The flat waters below the Power House Riffle can offer a chance to cast dry flies to rising fish. As a matter of fact, just throw dries to see what happens!
Get on this river early and then again late if you want to find the biggest fish. The fish here are haters of the sun. Haters gonna hate. Go have fun!
Contact us about Hat Creek or call us at 1-800-669-3474!
Report Date:
There has been a good Callibaetis spinner fall in the morning and hatch closer to noon. If you can handle......