Report Date:
http://www.dfw.state.or.usFishing for steelhead is fair to good. There are excellent numbers of fish throughout the system, with the highest concentrations now in the upper river. Fishing conditions are tough this time of year with low clear water, but recent rains should have improved fish activity. Concentrate effort in the early morning and late evening, and use lighter gear and small presentations to entice more bites.
Angling for cutthroat should be fair to good, sea-runs should be throughout the system. Try casting spinners or streamer flies in areas with cover, or dead drifting small presentations.
Fall Chinook season does not open until Sept. 16 above tidewater, and the river is closed to salmon angling upstream of Jordan Creek (RM 21.9) Aug. 1 to Dec. 31.
Due to a wetland restoration project between the tidewaters of the Trask and Wilson Rivers, public access to the Wilson River tidewater from the end of Goodspeed road is currently closed.
Report Date:
Fishing for warm water species should be good early and late in the day. Trout fishing should be picking back......