Report Date:
http://www.kenssport.comWe had one report from Kirman this week and the anglers that were up there were able to catch several nice cutthroat, all well over 20 inches. They also reported hooking up one nice brookie and getting him just to the net when he broke them off. This is pretty good news as the brookies have been pretty shy this summer. Hopefully we'll be getting more reports of brookies in the near future. The anglers also said the water quality up there was not very good and visibility was only a foot or 2 into the water. I think this is because the algae and weeds are dying off and decaying as the weather cools. This situation should improve as the month wears on. Patterns to try include: simi seal leeches, seal buggers, stillwater nymphs, mini leeches, matulas, soft hackles, zug bugs and pheasant tails.