Report Date:
The Mission Belle departs tomorrow morning at 6:00am on their ¾ day trip. Only 8 passengers signed up at this time! Ticket price is $145.00 and includes your Mexican fishing permit. No passport required for this trip. THIS TRIP IS ALSO A DEFINITE GO!!
Report Date:
The Mission Belle is a DEFINITE GO for tomorrow’s ¾ day offshore trip. Currently, only 6 passengers are booked at this time, so it should be a very light load. Departure time is 6:00am and NO PASSPORT needed for this trip. The 1/2 day boat Daily Double has been targeting Rockfish this week with a nice mix of Reds, Bocaccio and other assorted bottom grabbers. Departure time is 8:00am. ½ Day Trips: The Daily Double has half day trips scheduled from 8am......