Report Date:
https://www.seaforthlanding.comUPDATE 1:30pm - The San Diego and Captain Cameron just called in with another update. They are now up to 21 Bluefin Tuna (15-25lbs) and 45 Yellowtail, and still have a few fish hanging!
11:50am - The San Diego called in with 10 Bluefin Tuna so far for their three quarter day trip. Stay tuned for more updates!
Report Date:
UPDATE 6:45pm - The Pacific Voyager just called in with 21 Bluefin Tuna (20-25lbs) and 100 Yellowtail for their first day of a two day trip. They are fishing well within one day range and captain Mark is reporting very nice weather! Captain Cameron and his 31 anglers finished their three quarter day trip on Wednesday aboard the San Diego with 56 Bluefin Tuna (15-25lbs) and 91 Yellowtail. 3/4 day trips depart daily at 5:30am aboard the San Diego. No passports......