Report Date:
https://www.hmlanding.comThe Chief is departing for a 2-1/2 day and the Top Gun 80 is departing for a 3-1/2 day, both trips are departing Thursday night and have openings! We have 1-1/2 day trips available departing Friday night! 1 day boats depart daily fishing offshore! 3/4 day trips depart daily fishing offshore! 1/2 day trips depart twice a day at 6:30am and 1PM! You can click on our trip calendar for our complete schedules for all our trips!
H&M is the West Coast’s most established sportfishing landing providing Offshore adventures since 1935. Call (619) 222-1144 or reserve online at Date:
The Chief is departing for a 2-1/2 day and the Top Gun 80 is departing for a 3-1/2 day, both trips are departing Thursday night and have openings! We have 1-1/2 day trips available departing Friday night! 1 day boats depart daily fishing offshore! 3/4 day trips depart daily fishing offshore! 1/2 day trips depart twice a day at 6:30am and 1PM! You can click on our trip calendar for our complete schedules for all our trips!......