Report Date:
The Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet Sept. 15 in Welches, Ore. at the Resort at the Mountain, Huckleberry Room, 68010 East Fairway Ave, Welches.
The meeting starts at 8 a.m. Friday, Sept. 15, and follows this agenda
The meeting will also be streamed at ODFW’s Twitter and Periscope (@myODFW) accounts.
The Commission is expected to adopt big game hunting regulations for 2018. There are few major changes being proposed. Staff are proposing updated language to make it clearer that arrows with moveable blades cannot be in a hunter’s possession when hunting, and that night vision equipment is not lawful to use when scouting or hunting.
The Commission had asked ODFW to explore a ban on baiting deer and elk when hunting. After review and gathering public input, ODFW staff are not proposing such a ban.
The State Legislature lifted the 3% limitation on non-resident general fall bear tags. Demand for these tags has declined since a ban on using hounds to hunt was put in place in the mid-1990s, so the regulation is no longer needed.
The Commission will also be asked to approve funding for two Access and Habitat projects to improve wildlife habitat on private land in Oregon.
The Commission will also be briefed on several issues including sea lions’ impact on Willamette River winter steelhead, sage-grouse, and the Wolf Plan which is in the process of being updated. These briefings will occur at the beginning of the meeting in the Director’s Report section of the meeting and no action will be taken on these issues. Public testimony will not be taken during this portion of the meeting.
Public testimony will be taken for other topics not on the agenda just after the Director’s report. Persons seeking to testify on issues not on the formal agenda may do so by making arrangements with the ODFW Director’s Office, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting, by calling 800-720-6339 or 503-947-6044.
Reasonable accommodations will be provided as needed for individuals requesting assistive hearing devices, sign language interpreters or large-print materials. Individuals needing these types of accommodations may call the ODFW Director’s Office at 800-720-6339 or 503-947-6044 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Report Date:
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued two contracts recently to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for the......