Report Date:
http://www.mountainhardwareandsports.comLake is steady at 96% now and the flow going out has decreased to 72.2 cfs! For years, this lake has suffered through drought and with the overabundance of water this year the lake has rebounded well. Fish will be difficult to find for the shore fisherman with the lake so full so have patience locating fish! With an aggressive stocking of pilot peak strain cutthroats over the next few years this lake hopefully will produce trophy-sized cutties such as those in pyramid. For now, those with boats have had great success catching rainbows and cutthroats trolling the drop-offs throughout the inlets in depths of 15-35 feet of water. Kokanee action has been good this season but now things have slowed as most of the kokes are getting ready to spawn. Those having success are pulling in 13-16-inch kokes suspended at 40-60 feet in deeper water. Go light and bright uv colors such as pinks, oranges, and chartreuse in the morning hours then switch to darker colors such as blues, purple, and greens in the late morning. Not much on the macks here as the theory is the population was depleted by random die offs during the drought years. Smallmouth bass fishing has picked up here as there has been reports of some large ones being caught recently in the davis creek arm of the lake. Hint, fish structure! The only way to access campgrounds and boat launch is by taking 89 to hobart mills and then through russel valley via dog valley road! Road is good and boat launch and campsites are open! This lake was stocked the week of 6/4 and 7/16!