Report Date:
https://www.intrepid.netToday was a day that will forever be engraved in our memory bank. We had epic fishing on straight COWS. We had our first bite around 0800 which quickly escalated to six going! Although we had a few heartbreaks, we still managed to boat 3 cows by 1100. Around mid day we decided to re position and boy did it pay off. A school of GIANTS rolled through, KITES BIT!!!!! BITER ON THE BOW!!!! BITER ON THE STERN!!! With every crew member now occupied we still continued to hook in to these beast! We capitalized on our opportunities and landed most the fish we hooked. With 2 of them being tapped right at the 300# mark and 2 more being tapped in the mid 300's. After landing these giants and spending the better part of 3 hours on one single fish we knew this is something truly magical happening. We also managed to land 3 more fish over the 200# mark on this anchor job. What a day to remember! We will check in later.
-The Intrepid
Report Date:
Capt Bill Cavanaugh checked in for the Intrepid, even though he is not on the boat. There is something special......
Report Date:
Just a taste of whats happening down below...2 more in the mid 300's Add 1 more taped at 310... ......