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Share your love of fishing with people new to the sport – become a volunteer fishing instructor for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
ODFW’s free training for new volunteer fishing instructors is Tuesday, February 13 from 12 pm – 6 pm at the Harbor Fire Hall, 98069 West Benham Lane, Harbor. Lunch is provided and pre-registration is required by February 6. Contact Jenny Ammon at 503-947-6081or
ODFW’s Aquatic and Angling Education Program staff is hosting the training which is open to anyone 18 years of age or older and interested in becoming a volunteer fishing instructor. The training covers all elements of the program’s curriculum including basic fishing skills, stewardship, aquatic resources, and water safety. Participants also learn about events and other volunteer opportunities in their area.
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Learn rifle skills for big game hunting ODFW and the Oregon Hunters Association are hosting a Rifle Skills and Knowledge Workshop......