Report Date: scratched some Albies and a few Bluefin today. Lots of life around but they were a little picky. A pretty good finish for our 6 day trip. "The Intrepid Team"
If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 224-4088 to get in on the action.Report Date:
We scratched some Albies and a few Bluefin today. Lots of life around but they were a little picky.......
Report Date:
We got out yesterday with a great group of anglers. Our weather is gorgeous. The water is glassy and there is no wind. In the afternoon we chased some blue fin that didn't want to bite and an hour before dark we got into some albacore and landed a couple. Today the weather is still beautiful. Some of the best I've seen. We had a great day fishing the yellowtail on a bunch of kelp. We also had a couple of......