Report Date: great weather and action packed fishing continued today. We had terrific action on a mixed bag of jumbo albacore to 40 lbs, YT to 25 lbs, YFT to 28 lbs, and some Dorado and BFT sprinkled on top. There is a lot of life around and everyone is having a blast casting a line into the smorgasbord of fish. Several of our anglers caught four different species today. It really is a grab bag of quality fish. We are hoping the weather stays gorgeous and we will be looking hard tomorrow to stay with these fish.
We will keep you posted.
the crew of the Q105
Report Date:
We departed San Diego on Saturday afternoon on the annual LA Rod and Reel charter. We headed south eager with anticipation of the up coming fishing adventure. Before we knew it we found ourselves in terrific water and managed to land a handful of very nice Dorado before the sun set on our first day. We woke up this morning in some very fishy water. We started the day off with a flurry of school size......
Report Date:
The day started out with a flurry of biting albacore and it didn't stop there. We had consistent stops throughout the day on albacore and BFT. There is great sign of life in the area and we had a terrific day catching tuna. Charter master Dennis Hagarty once again had the biggest fish of the day a 47 lb blue fin. To go along with our outstanding tuna fishing we had a handful of Dorado and YT.......