Report Date: amazing fishery that is Cedros Island once again produced a great day of quality YT fishing. Warm sunny weather and a heavy yellow on the end of your line was the standard for the day. After loading up on YT we began our trek north and are hoping to locate some tuna of any variety tomorrow. The weather rolling up is gorgeous and we are having a great time. We will keep you posted as to what we find. Thanks for the vine thanks for the time.....
the crew of the Q105
Report Date:
We spent the day offshore hunting around for kelps in beautiful weather. We soon found a line of kelps that was holding fish and it was game on. Once again the variety of fish that these kelps are holding is great. We captured YFT, YT and Dorado all mixed together on the kelps. Fernando Perez won a brand new fishing rod by boating the first YT this morning. We are headed south to Cedros to......
Report Date:
We departed San Diego on our annual Coastside fishing charter in good weather with high hopes of the good offshore fishing continuing. This morning we woke up with good fishing conditions and were soon looking for the magic kelp paddy to load up on. Unfortunanatly we never really connected on the right kelp. We found plenty of them but could never get the fish really going. We still scratched up a decent catch of YT......