Report Date:
http://www.americananglersportfishing.comKeep Trying
We decided to spend the day in blue water looking for tuna fish while taking advantage of the good weather. We started seeing signal right away with a few jigstrikes and bait fish after first light. We saw enough signal to keep us interested, but we just couldn't put it together. After we captured three handfuls of mixed yellowfin and bluefin we decided to continue our search further south. We did not know what to expect in this uncovered area and what we found was a kelpless and fishless zone. Luckily for us, our mastmen never give up and we were rewarded with twenty more yellowfin tuna right before dark.
Todays picture is Gary Teraoka and Greg Young with a matching pair of nice flats.
Never Say Never,Report Date:
Ken's Gang is back The boat returned this morning with a wonderful catch of Yellowtail, Dorado, some Albacore, and a handful......