Report Date: low pressure, wind, and precipitation came through and slowed down the midge hatches some. At this time of the season though, it is not a major factor in regards to the bite. The perch fry have now reached 3″ in length and smaller and are still taking a beating from the trout. If you are not getting grabs where you are anchored and others around you are, it’s time to move.
Assassins/Parallel Assassins and Punk Perch/Parallel Punk Perch, both dark and light in sizes #14-16 have been getting some nice grade fish. Midges like our Broken Back Dark Zebras #18, Broken Back Dark Tiger Midge #18, Crystal Tiger Midge Long #18, and Crystal Caddis Larva Olive Dubbed #18 – Black, have been hammering the fish when they are close to the bottom. Best areas have been the north arm, Layton Springs, Alligator Point, McGee Bay and Crooked Creek.