Report Date:
http://www.americananglersportfishing.comThe guys returned from the Liwei-Yonei 5 day trip with a nice yellowtail catch - see jackpot winners below
Thanks to Liwei, Kevin and everyone that came fishing on this one - we appreciate having you onboard!
Congrats to
1st place: Josh Galant 27.4lb yt
2nd place: Dan Sandoval 25.8lb yt
3rd place: David Liao 24.2lb yt
Back out with the Uesugi-Kimura group on a 7 day... Uncle George, everyone misses you
American Angler
Report Date:
Grind As we headed into our last day the focus was good and hard and in beautiful working weather we covered many miles, searching high and low only to come up with very minimal results. Amazingly after burning for many many hours in the binoculars, the search could only bring us a few late kelps with marginal size dorado and a handful of tuna thrown in the mix. The final tally wasn't what we had in mind, but sometimes you just......