Report Date:
http://www.americananglersportfishing.comThe James Hardware Gang returned from a very productive tuna trip with beautiful grade fish up to 95lbs. To David Samarin, our enormous gratitude for spending the year creating, organizing and then putting this annual 5 day trip made up of his family, friends and community members together. To Sara Samarin, our heartfelt thanks for every single thing she does to help David make it happen from collecting the data, the paperwork, to the finishing touch she puts on this trip and spends the year doing it...right down to the Dorado eye on the shirts. We love you Sara!! To Dan, for organizing, purchasing and coordinating all the food for the group. To Jim Demetriff for his annual contribution - this year the honeydew melons, grapes and homemade pomegranate juice - which is a treat for everyone! To everyone on the trip, it is such a pleasure to have you onboard, thank you!
Congrats to the jackpot winners - sorry it's not a salmon Lucille Demetriff:
1st place Bill Mendrin 95lb
2nd place Jake Volkov 92.5lb
3rd place Jim Demetriff 90.5lb
Bob Hara's 3 day trip is on it's way so check back
American Angler
Note from office: Just had a cancellation on Sunday's 7 day fishing trip - limited to 24....come fishing!