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The guys
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At Last The past couple of days have been some of the best trophy landing that we've seen all year. At times these 100-150lb tuna made it easy to get a bite and other times we spent hours at the rail for one bite, but in the end the hook to land ratio was very much on our side. We've had beautiful weather and premium fishing conditions, making this experience one for the books . We are extremely thankful for this caliber of fishing - so now packing it up......
Report Date:
Let the good times roll Arriving to our first destination just after lunch things didn't take long before we were engaged and kept the ball rolling all afternoon. Civil fishing is about the best way to put it. Just a nice steady pick on these beautiful 100lb class tuna and probably the biggest added bonus is we had minimal encounters with our number one enemy, which definitely helped the hook to land ratio today. We are liking the trend, and will......