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http://www.americananglersportfishing.comCapt. Brian and group returned this morning from Ben Okazaki's 2nd annual birthday trip - we are honored to have he and his friends with us for this event. Thank you Ben for organizing and gathering up a bunch of your friends to come fishing!
Despite less than perfect weather, the gang made the best of it and finished this 1.5 day trip with a couple handfuls of yellowtail and a 127# Bluefin caught by Nicole Akiike. This catch is extra sentimental as the last trip she made with us was in 2008 when her now husband Jun proposed to her up at the bow. Since then she has been busy raising a family and this was her debut trip back in the saddle. Nice Nicole.
A huge thanks to everyone that came out this trip - it was a pleasure and big thanks to Michelle Uesugi for the below photos
Happy Birthday Ben!
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The guys started their day with the Bluefin which metered but weren't interested so they headed off to kelp yellowtail which was very successful. Everyone got to yank on fish and had something to bring home. Our regular passenger and friend Galen said it best this morning.... YT for the bbque and ceviche ....something hot and something cold to enjoy with a beer tonight. Thank you everyone......
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0530 eta nice catch on yellowtail on kelps and hoping for one more shot at the Bluefin before dark pictures and report tomorrow!......