Report Date:
http://www.pointlomasportfishing.comThe Mission Belle checked in this afternoon with 45 Yellowtail so far. Full day trips to the Coronado Islands have been finding excellent fishing for Yellowtail, Bonito and Rockfish. The Belle heads out again tomorrow at 6:00am.
The Chief returned this morning with LIMITS of Bluefin Tuna (46) in the 25# to 90# range and were biting 30#, 40# and 50# line. Their next trip departs on Wednesday, April 24th at 6:00pm IS A WILL RUN TRIP! Ticket price is $350.00 and includes your bunk and Mexican fishing permits.
Sauerfish is heading out this Saturday for a extended full day trip , leaving at 5:00 a.m. and returning at 8:00 p.m., heading for the Coronodo Islands, looking for Yellowtail. Sauerfish is a six person boat, so space is limited. Only $350 per person, and passports are required.
The El Capitan has a 1½ day trip departing Friday, April 26th at 7:00pm. This trip is heading out for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail. Ticket price is $420.00 and includes you meals and bunk. A Mexican fishing permit is additional. This trip is only taking 18 passengers max.
Upcoming Offshore Trips:
The American Angler added more 1½ day trips for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail. Please check our schedule page for trip dates. Ticket price is $400.00 and includes your meals and Mexican fishing permits. Departure time is 7:00pm.
Report Date:
The Chief returned this morning with 46 Bluefin in the 25# to 90# range and were biting 30#, 40# and 50# line. Their next trip departs on Wednesday, April 24th at 6:00pm IS A WILL RUN TRIP! Ticket price is $350.00 and includes your bunk and Mexican fishing permits. Upcoming Offshore Trips: The Chief has a few 1 ½ day trip scheduled to fish offshore for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail. Their Wednesday, April 24th at 6:00pm IS A WILL RUN TRIP! Ticket price is $350.00 and includes your bunk......