Report Date:
https://www.seaforthlanding.comThe SAN DIEGO has 12 Bluefin on the boat for their full day trip so far. The fish are 60-70 pounds. They have been in one long sustained drift and have more fish hanging. Captain Matt recommends no less than fresh 40# line with a fluorocarbon leader and quality #2 to #1/0 circle hooks for sardine fishing. The Bluefin have also been biting flat-fall jigs in the 200 gram size.
The AZTEC checked this afternoon from his 1.5 day trip with 17 Bluefin boated from 50-85 pounds. The AZTEC has a definite run 1.5 day trip departing Saturday evening at 7:00pm.
Report Date:
UPDATE 7:50AM - The Pacific Voyager just called in with 26 Bluefin Tuna from 40-80 pounds! They are fishing well within 1.5 day range! The San Diego finished their full day trip offshore yesterday with 13 Bluefin Tuna (40-80lbs) and 2 Yellowtail! The San Diego is a DEFINITE RUN every day through Sunday fishing offshore for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail! The Aztec has a 1.5 day trip leaving Thursday night at 7pm targeting both Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail offshore. This trip is......