Mammoth Lake Basin Trout Fly Fish Report

The Trout Fitter Staff

Report Date:

Water Conditions: Good
Water temps are in the 60's near the surface but get much cooler as you go deeper. The key to fly fishing here is to find fish in less than 20 feet of water. I was out on Lake Mary last week in the afternoon and had trouble finding fish in less than 20 feet of water. The Bait guys were slaying it in 20 to 40 feet of water though. Because of this, Lake Mamie and Twin Lakes are be tter fly fishing options as they are much shallower than Mary or George.

Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Good
Excellent early morning, late afternoon and eve. Early and late you can have great dry fly opportunities with fish feeding on midges and calibeatis. When you see a occasional rise in your area fish a Parachute Adams or Callibaetis Dry with a small bead head attractor below it about 18-24 inches. In the evenings with the wind is not bad you will see a great midge hatch and they love the Griffiths gnat. Otherwise throw on the sinking line with a streamer and you can catch'em at any time of day, just very your retrieve, depth and color. A Black Twin Lakes Special is my personal favorite.

Recommended Flies:
Mid day sink tip or full sink line20tugging bugger or minnow imitations as lead bug then 18-24 in.dropper with callibaetis nymph, small midge or Grey Scud deep or along weed edge.
DRY FLIES- Calibaetis a must!
Griffiths gnats,midgelings,small baetis in#18-#22.Callibaetis emergers,callibaetis drys (foam wing drys working well) #14-#16, Black Ants #16-#18.
Evenings, big wooleys, minnow imitations and zonkers.

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