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http://www.shogunsportfishing.comThis afternoon the Shogun arrived on site at the Crest sea mount. We managed to troll up a few dorado this afternoon and this evening are drifting amid all sorts of sea creatures. Many squid were jigged up and samples were taken for analysis in the lab. Through isotope assays the short term and long term diet of the animal can be determined. Go figure! The dorado are starting to gather up around the boat and we should have a successful morning tagging and collecting. A marlin even came within the boats lights, with all the small flying fish closing in there should be pelagics around all evening.
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Today was a travel day aboard the Shogun. The Shogun crew had plenty to keep us busy, preparing gear for......
Report Date:
This morning we made quick work offloading those frisky little tuna. The water level is dropped, oxygen is bubbled into......