Sierra Drifters Fish N' Conditions

Doug Rodricks

Report Date:

We had a quick shot of afternoon thundershowers that have come and gone. We did get some decent rain out of the last few day’s storms. It is back to sunny weather again, and warmer temperatures will now give way to more fall like conditions. The temperatures around Crowley Lake will be in the mid 70’s this week. Bridgeport Reservoir continues to produce fish in the open water areas and along the weed lines. The East Walker River has come down some more since last report and cooler nights will perk up the fish bite again. The June Lake loop lakes are starting to cool slightly and will start to kick the fish into fall mode here soon. The inlets have been best. San Joaquin experienced a small flow increase from the recent rains. Upper Owens and Hot Creek still fishing well with hoppers and various dry flies and nymphs. Crowley Lake staying the same, with fish in shallow and deep water. Close to the weeds has been best. Middle Owens River up slightly again.

Crowley Lake

The north channel and McGee Creek and the bay have been the best areas. Some fish biting around Sandy Point too. The Hiltons have a ton of fish as well that are mixed in size. When the wind stirs the water in the afternoons, the fish move in and feed on the flats and in the channels. Midges, perch fry, and callibaetis imitations have been getting the job done. Some bigger fish have been chasing fry throughout the lake, so changing it up to slow stripping can get you into some big ones. Best Flies: Parallel Assassin Dark and Light – 16; Assassin Dark and Light – 16; Parallel Punk Perch Dark and Light – 14, 16; Broken Back Dark Zebra Midge- 16; Crystal Tiger Midge Long -18; Broken Back Copper Tiger Midge – 18; Crystal Copper Tiger Midge – 18; Crystal Midge Pupa Black – 20; Crystal Caddis Larva Olive Copper – 18; Punk Perch Dark and Light – 14, 16; Damsel Nymph Dark and Light; Flashback Pheasant Tail Tungsten Black Head – 14, 16, 18.

Steve Welsh with another quality brown trout!
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sierra Drifters
Steve Welsh is back again. This time with a big brown!
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sierra Drifters
And here’s a great cutthroat trout!
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sierra Drifters
Tara Swanson manage this fish with Devin. A great brown trout!
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sierra Drifters
Bill Erwin fished with Jerry and holds a beautiful rainbow trout!
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sierra Drifters

Middle Owens River/Wild Trout Section (Bishop Area)

Flows are down since last report, but are fluctuating here. Currently running at 452 cfs. Fishing will start to slow down here until water levels stabilize again.

Hot Creek

Not much has changed here, as fishing continues to shine. Lots of good dry fly action throughout the day, with heavy emphasis in the mornings. Nymphing when the fish fall from the surface down to the mud has been very productive. Best Flies: Flashback PT’s #16-#20, Tricos Spinners #20-22, SD Crawlers in Red #14, Copper Tiger Midges #18-20, and #18 Assassin Dark.

Drew with another nice rainbow trout!
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sierra Drifters
Drew Donen fished with Devin and got into some good ones like this rainbow trout!
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sierra Drifters

Upper Owens River

Still a lot of grasshoppers all over the place. Windy conditions make for some great dry fly action. Find a good hopper pattern to match the hatch and it’s game on! Mayfly patterns and caddis have also been getting a lot of good fish here. There are some larger fish in the river this summer due to the abundance of food and the flooded banks around the mouth going into Crowley Lake. Best Flies: Stimulator – 12, 14, 16; Crystal Copper Tiger Midge – 16,18; B100FB – 14, 16, 18, 20; Spruce a bu dark and light; Loeberg Mallard Silver; Loeberg Guinea Silver, Crystal Midge Pupa Black – 18; Crystal Chironomid Emerger Copper – 16, 18; Broken Back Copper Tiger Midge – 14,16,18.

East Walker River/Bridgeport Reservoir

Flows have dropped to 268 cfs level. Smaller nymphs and streamer patterns are getting looks from some bigger fish. The slower water on the edges of the faster moving stuff has been the key. Get those flies down to the fish this time of year with enough weight. Bridgeport Reservoir has been good in the channel where the weed growth is minimal. The weeds have choked up a lot of the inside channels this season as the high water has changed conditions up this year. Best Flies: B100FB – 18, 20; Crystal Copper Tiger Midge -16; Crystal Zebra Midge – 16, 18; Punk Perch Light and Dark – 14, 16; Parallel Punk Perch Light and Dark; Crystal Leech – 12, 14, 16; Agent Orange 12, 14, 16; Parallel Agent Orange – 14.

More Reports

Sierra Drifters Reports
for Monday, September 9th, 2019
East Walker River (CA): Flows Have Dropped to 268 cfs
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Still a lot of Grasshoppers All Over
Hot Creek: Fishing Continues To Shine
Owens River - Middle: Flows Are Down But Fluctuating
Crowley Lake: Crowley Lake Fishing Report
September News and Fish Report

Doug Rodricks

Report Date:

September is upon us in the high country! The weather has been quite different this year. Usually July is our......

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