Report Date: Bass: The Stripers are average size being 5-8lbs. The Striper boils are continuing, and fishermen are taking full advantage of the opportunity. The boils only lasting from about 6am – 8am. After the boils die down the best bet is frozen cut baits like Anchovies, Sardines.
Panfish: The Panfish have been loving that the bass are off the beds and are very much active. The best baits for the panfish are redworms, nightcrawlers, and little jigs over on the west side of the Lake.
Large/Smallmouth Bass: The Bass are out on the open water hanging around rock points, weed lines, drop offs, and any structure you can find. Lots of Smallmouth in the 1.5 – 2lb range this week, most being caught on jerk baits, crankbaits, and grub jigs. If you like trolling, the Smallies can be found in the Upper & Lower Narrows in about 15ft of water along rock walls on Panther Martins or any other small crankbaits. We also recommend night crawlers.
Catfish: Two weeks ago we received a Catfish plant. They like the narrows, swallow bay and all the coves with structure as well as fallen trees. Anchovies, Chicken Liver and Mackerel have been top producers. Nightcrawlers and sardines have been the “go to” bait!
September overall has been a great catch for Striped bass and Catfish. The water temperature is currently ranging from 67-75 , which makes it best for Catfish and Striped bass. The water level is lowering as we are approaching Fall. Good Luck Fishin’
Report Date:
Striped Bass: The stripers are average size being 5-8lbs. The striper boils are continuing, and fishermen are taking full advantage......
Report Date:
Striped Bass: The stripers are average size being 5-8lbs. The striper boils are growing, and fishermen are taking full advantage......