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Question: When the Lake Davis poisoning project was completed, did DFG
replant a baitfish population as well as restocking the trout? If so,
what baitfish were replanted? Thanks. (Dale S.)
Answer: No, a baitfish population was not put into Lake Davis after
the chemical treatment to eradicate northern pike. According to Lake
Davis Project Manager Randy Kelly, Lake Davis has very good populations
of insects, crayfish and other invertebrates that have supported
excellent trout fishing in the past and should continue to do so into
the future. Baitfish were not native in that drainage and bullhead, bass
and pumpkinseed are still in the reservoir. The chemical treatment was
done at a concentration that was adequate to eliminate all the pike and
trout, which are more sensitive than the above warmwater species, but
was not at a high enough concentration to kill all the above mentioned
fish that survived in the lake.
Use of live or dead baitfish is generally prohibited in the Sierra
District, which includes Lake Davis, except as provided in Section 4.30
of the Fish and Game Regulations. Lake Davis should provide excellent
trout fishing after ice out (when the surface covering of ice on the
lake thaws) in the late winter or early spring of 2009. About one
million trout ranging from fingerling size (three to five inches) up to
18 pounds were restocked in the reservoir and surrounding tributary
streams after the treatment to eliminate pike. Fishing was very good in
2008 and should be excellent in 2009.
Question: We often see sharks swimming on the surface and sometimes
they even freely swim up right next to our boat. I know it's legal to
spear and harpoon most sharks, so my question is would it then also be
legal to catch them with a gaff if they are within easy reach with a
gaff pole? (Steve S., Carlsbad)
Answer: No, free-gaffing is not a legal method of take for any species
of sharks. While the regulations allow for the take of sharks (except
white sharks) with spears, harpoons, and bow and arrow fishing gear
(Section 28.95), a gaff may not be substituted for a spear or harpoon.
In addition to those devices, the law (Section 28.65) allows for sharks
to be taken by hook and line or by hand (although "by hand"
doesn't sound like the wisest method to me).
(A gaff is any hook with or without a handle used to assist in landing
fish or to take fish in such a manner that the fish does not take the
hook voluntarily in its mouth [Section 28.65(d)]).
Question: I've been finding some of my favorite hunting areas now
have "No Hunting" signs hung on the fence lines. The problem is
these signs are being posted by people who don't even own the land!
This has got to be illegal but I'm not sure what the regulations
actually say here. Can you offer us some help? (Jack L.)
Answer: It is illegal for someone to post any sign prohibiting
trespass or hunting on any land unless authorized by the owner or the
person in lawful possession of
the property. By the same token it is also unlawful for any person to
maliciously tear down, mutilate or destroy any sign, signboard or other
notice forbidding hunting or trespass on land (ref. FGC Section 2018.)
Carrie Wilson is a marine biologist with the California Department of Fish and Game. Her DFG-related question and answer column appears weekly at While she cannot personally answer everyone's questions, she will select a few to answer each week. Please contact her at .
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CDFG California Outdoors Q&As: Recycling Crabs Contact: Carrie Wilson, DFG Office of Communications, . Question: I often see......
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FISH AND GAME News Contact: Brett Wilson, Senior Hatchery Supervisor, (707) 433-6325 ......