To All of You Who Appreciate California Salmon

GGSA Staff

Report Date:

The Future of Salmon is in Jeopardy

We’re staring down the barrel of a salmon and environmental threat we haven’t seen since the early 2000’s which led to the first ever closure of the state’s salmon fishery. The shutdown happened after water diversions from the SF Bay Delta increased by about 16 percent starting in 2000.

They drained so much water out of the bay that baby salmon couldn’t get to sea for several years in a row. 

New pumping rules and salmon protections came out in 2009 but right now the federal government is working to get rid of them and resume the earlier super high water diversions, deadly to salmon.That’s why GSSA and our allies have gone to court to stop them. 2020 is likely to be a very important year for the future of salmon and the natural health of the Central Valley, Delta, and SF Bay. We’re going to need your help.

Please consider renewing or giving us a donation so your voice and others who care about California salmon and the benefits and value they bring to so many will be heard. We won’t go quietly into the night! All donations are tax-deductible.

This past year had plenty of action too, although not as threatening as what’s on the horizon. We’ve included a recap below of the highlights of what we did with your support to keep strong salmon runs in California.

2019 Accomplishments: Highlights

  • GSSA and allies have gone to court to block a massive increase in Delta water diversions and other actions harmful to salmon by federal government.
  • Launched pilot project trucking Coleman Hatchery salmon (the largest but worst performing hatchery) 75 miles downstream to a safe release site to boost survival
  • Won court case to stop construction of two gigantic Delta diversion intakes and tunnels to siphon off Sacramento River water needed by salmon
  • Won effort with allies to stop the raise of Shasta Dam, which would rob water needed by salmon and deny Sacramento River much needed, periodic flushing flows
  • Won state support of a major Feather River floodplain restoration, work currently being completed
  • Continued to elevate scientific findings of harm to salmon if the Sites Reservoir and dams are built as originally proposed without salmon protections built-in.
  • GSSA action helped steer $20 million in federal salmon restoration funds to projects aimed primarily at habitat restoration for Central Valley salmon runs
  • GSSA continues to ensure a voice for salmon in the press and public debate and to educate fishermen.
  • With major GSSA involvement, state legislature passed bill (ultimately vetoed) that called for retention of salmon protections that existed prior to Trump administration
  • With GSSA urging, California refused to go along with federal Delta water pumping plans in the fall that harm Delta aquatic food production
  • Took many kids, women anglers, state agency workers, and conservation NGO staffers salmon fishing this past season to experience for themselves what it’s all about

Looking back on 2019, GSSA would like to thank you for your support. Please consider renewing your membership or make a donation for what’s ahead.


King Salmon Supporter

Fishermen and women, how much do you spend or make fishing salmon per day? How about in a season? $35 to support GSSA’s efforts is a bargain by comparison, it’s good for your future fishing seasons, and it's tax-deductible!Join Now


Salmon Run Supporter

Be a huge part in supporting GSSA’s key objectives starting with defending California's salmon from attacks on the water and habitat they need to survive. Your donation also helps GSSA implement a comprehensive salmon rebuilding plan, gain broad public awareness and support, improve hatchery management and release practices to increase salmon survival, and push for smarter water practices and salmon protections with state and federal officials. You’ll receive a weatherproof jacket in recognition and one (1) ticket to a GSSA fundraising dinner for the 12 months following your donation, but please notify us prior to the event to apply your ticket.Join Now

Additional Donation

Also 100% tax-deductible

Already support or want to simply donate a different amount? We invite you to make an extra tax-deductible donation to GSSA. A donation to GSSA is the best investment you can make in your own fishing future as well as future generations. That’s because GSSA is leading the way to keep salmon in our streams, in the ocean, and on the deck of your fishing boat.

Your gift directly supports GSSA’s work to make your voice heard at the state and federal level, a comprehensive salmon restoration plan, scientific analysis, and public awareness building.Donate Today

The Golden Gate Salmon Association is a coalition of salmon advocates that includes commercial and recreational salmon fisherman, businesses, restaurants, a native tribe, environmentalists, elected officials, families and communities that rely on salmon. 

GGSA’s mission is to restore California salmon for their economic, recreational, commercial, environmental, cultural and health values.

Currently, California’s salmon industry is valued at $1.4 billion in economic activity annually in a regular season and about half that much in economic activity and jobs again in Oregon. The industry employs tens of thousands of people from Santa Barbara to northern Oregon. This is a huge economic bloc made up of commercial fishermen, recreational fishermen (fresh and salt water), fish processors, marinas, coastal communities, equipment manufacturers, the hotel and food industry, tribes, and the salmon fishing industry at large.

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