Report Date:
Because of the recent precipitation and cold weather we’ve seen, the Truckee River may be a bit off color in some sections. For best results, anglers should be looking sub-surface and using blue winged olives, midges, and bugs similar to recent hatches such as pale morning duns and caddises. It also wouldn’t be surprising to see a reemergence of March browns because of the recent cold weather. Anglers can still expect more consistent flows in the Glenshire and Hirschdale areas.
FLOWS: Tahoe City 68 CFS, Glenshire 279 CFS, Boca Confluence 598 CFS, and Farad Exit 1,020 CFS
Bugs: PMDs, Green Drakes, Skwalas, B.W.O’s, Midges, Worms, Crawdads, Sculpins, and Caddis
Gear: 9′-11′ 5-7wt rod with 9′-12′ 3x-5x leader