Report Date:
The West has been kicking out some really nice fish again this week upwards of 6 pounds. Anglers are reporting not necessarily catching lots of fish but the fish they are catching are pretty good ones. We’ve also had several reports of some good browns being caught in the 18 to 22 inch range. The great folks up in Walker planted a bunch of 3 to 8 pounders in the river this week and I understand have funding to do the same for at least the next 3 weeks so there will likely keep being some good fish being caught for a while to come. Bait anglers are catching fish with salmon eggs, crawlers and power eggs, lure anglers are using mini jigs, Panther Martins and rooster tails. Fly anglers are using hoppers, ants, elk hair caddis, royal wolf, prince nymphs and copper johns.
Report Date:
EAST WALKER RIVER The East is running at about 117 cfs today, the fishing down there has still been pretty good......