Report Date:
With cooler nights here, the Truckee River is starting to cool down to the low 60s by the morning. The fishing conditions are great until early afternoon, then the temperatures spike. Please respect the fish and only try fishing mornings and late evenings. Anglers should try ESN style nymphing in the morning with peaches and cream, two bit stones, and perdigons. In the evenings, anglers best bet is indicator nymphing with caddis, blue-winged olives, san juan worms, and crayfish. Flows are around 316 in the Glenshire region and past Boca outlet, flows are around 500 cfs.
FLOWS: Tahoe City 293 CFS, Glenshire 316 CFS, Boca Confluence 500 CFS, and Farad Exit 501 CFS
Bugs: Caddis, BWOs, PMDs, San Juan Worms, and Crayfish
Gear: 9′-11′ 5-7wt rod with 9′-12′ 4x-5x leader