Report Date: Opens Chinook retention for two days and increases coho limit.
Species affected: Chinook and coho.
Location: Columbia River, from the Buoy 10 line upstream to the Rock Point/Tongue Point Line.
Rules and effective dates:
Reason for action: This action is consistent with the decisions made by the states of Washington and Oregon during the September 3, 2020 Columbia River Compact. Additional upriver bright fall chinook and Lower River Hatchery tule fall chinook impacts remain to provide additional opportunity in the Buoy 10 fishery. This action is consistent with the pre-season fishing plan for pre-update fisheries.
Additional information: Retention of jack salmon is prohibited until October 1 and follows permanent regulations. Chum retention is prohibited.
Fishery managers will continue to monitor the returns to ensure that conservation goals are achieved.
Information contact: Region 5: (360) 696-6211.