Report Date:
Hello everyone;
Well our morning started out with a very large kelp, that was holding. We had limit style fishing on 10 to 18 pound Dorado and one lone Wahoo. The Dorado fishing was as good as it gets. Most of our anglers just caught a few, and watched from the upper deck. We hit many other kelp throughout the day, looking for Wahoo, but we could only find one that wanted to play.
We will continue moving south, and will arrive to our next destination around 0200 hours in the morning. We will try to make a tank of bait, and give our shot at some Yellowtail, that is if the Sharks will leave us alone.
Weather continues to be overcast , 12 to 15 knots of breeze , and bit chilly for this far south. Not much more going on, so until tomorrow, wish us luck. Team R/p.
Report Date:
Hello everyone; Well with the Bluefin grounds to our north, we are headed south for the warmer water. We really enjoyed the Bluefin fishing, but with many more days to fish, we are headed south in search of Wahoo, Dorado, Yellowtail, Grouper, Pargo. Weather today was overcast, with some rain, but the seas were flat. The crew was busy today getting everyone ready for Wahoo and Dorado fishing. The only thing left, is to find a kelp with Dorado and Wahoo, willing to bite. ......
Report Date:
Hello everyone; It’s 0200 hours, and there’s only one crewmember up, he goes to check the ER, and he hears a......