Report Date:
Summer showers started the weekend with a bang clearing the waters
leaving only the die hards to catch the ravenous trout. Little
Virginia turned in a few nice numbers from 2 lbs up to 3.5 lbs. We
were fortunate to get Alpers infamous beauties for both Big and
Little Virginia last week along with a nice plant from Fish and Game
for both lakes.
Unfortunately the campground gate was locked and didn't get any
fish. It's hard on a lake to drain the resource when it won't be
replenished due to the concessionaire running the local
campgrounds. Forest Service did manage to get both the uppper and
lower creek dispersed camping areas open for this weekend, and it was
appreciated for all those that brought up their RV's especially
since gas is down by $1.50 from the same time last year. This summer
is starting out great, and hopefully it will continue.
Worms were the main entre, with lots of lures, Bouyants red/gold and
black, along with chartreuse power bait and black woolly buggers with
a small emerger to bring up some nice fish. All watercraft did
exceptionally well today using bug and bubble, lures or their
favorite flies. There were 15 tubers and 2 boats with 1 rubber raft,
looked like something you might have for breakfast.
Blue Lake is ice free, Cooney Lake is 1/4 thawed and the frogs were
not even close to thawing. Summit Pass will require snowshoes or
skies to get over and the water is raging down the creeks. East
Walker is running at 1420cfs, and the West Walker was 238 as of last night.
Report Date:
The weather has been anything but bad this past week, making ice fishing a bad idea. Little Virginia has about 60% ice which is rotten but the open water is producing well. Big Virginia is not thawing as fast but should be ice free depending on the weather in about 8 days. Trumbull Lake is ice free. Worms, according to Webster, any numerous slender soft-bodied, legless, bilaterally symmetrical inverterbrates. Trout only see food, we see a......
Report Date:
On Saturday, Big Virginia saw some die hard ice fishermen very early with the worst possible conditions you could imagine. Wind with blowing snow and a 4" fall after about 3 hours of it. Loads of fish were caught, nothing large as the lake was frozen when DFG planted the brood stock last November 16th. This year, hopefully, it will be open and we'll give 'em a call to get some of those rod-bending mobytrout into the lake. There were 37 anglers......