Report Date:"As you've heard," wrote the Searcher owner today, "a few boats returned from the offshore grounds with some good reports. There were only seven albacore caught over the weekend, but captains reported good conditions: clean water, good bait, 62.5-degree water temps, and one boat even saw some jumpers.
"Boats were fishing in the 100-200 mile range and one albacore weighed in at 25#. The rest of catch was mostly smaller size yellowtail, caught on kelp patties. Another boat stopped at the area on the way south earlier this week for a five-day trip and caught 10 albacore around 200 miles out.
"The good news is that conditions look promising and we're getting some coverage offshore now!"
Hoping for albacore,
Capt Art
Report Date:
This 3-day trip had 29 anglers and they caught 21 yellowfin tuna, 20 dorado, and 3 albacore. The jackpot winners are: Greg......
Report Date:
This 6-day trip had 15 anglers and they caught 113 yellowfin tuna, 64 yellowtail, 4 dorado, and 1 albacore. The jackpot......