Fishing at The Crooked River is Excellent

Fly and Field Outfitters

Report Date:

Fishing at the Crooked River is excellent. Lots of fish are being caught on dry’s, which is always a blast. Caddis are the main bug to look for, anywhere from size 14 - 18 has potential. Size down the caddis on cool days. The blue wing olive hatch might make a return during the cool weather and pale morning duns should be in the mix as well. Terrestrials are good to try out, especially for dry dropper rigs. Emergers and pupa fished above the bottom can be a good way to avoid whitefish. Soft hackles are a good general imitation that can work wonders. BWO and PMD nymphs are good choices, as are midges. The fish will likely be looking up and fairly active during the cool weather, so enjoy it before the 90’s make a reappearance.  


Recommended Dries: Black, Tan or Olive Elk Hair Caddis #14-18, CDC Caddis #14 - 16, Purple Haze #18-20, Winkers Midge Black #18-24, Stillborn Midge #18-20, Chubby Chernobyl Black #14-16, Tilt wing PMD #16, Hackle Stacker PMD #14-16, Tilt Wing Dun Mahogany #14, Black Stimi #14-16, CDC Thorax PMD #16-18, Hackle Stacker BWO #16-20

Recommended Nymphs: Peacock Jimmy Legs #10-12, Perdigon Purple #14-18, Physco Prince #14-18, Two Bit Hooker #16-20 Red or Black, Trina’s BWO Angel-case Emerger #16-20, Tail Water Tiny TB Olive #18-22, BWO Biot Emerger #18-20, Soft Hackle Olive #16-20, Zebra Midge #18-20, Olive BH Scud #16 - 14, Olive or Tan Sparkle Pupa #16-18, Nitro Caddis Pupa #16-18

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Fly and Field Outfitters

Report Date:

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Fly and Field Outfitters LLC Reports
for Friday, June 4th, 2021


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