Report Date:
The Mr. Tracey Thomassee party, fishing aboard the \"FISH CABO\" with
Captain Gil Marquez, had a terrific day fishing inshore for the
roosterfish. The group released 8 roosterfish for the morning with
the two larger fish in the 50-70 lb. range and the smaller ones in
the 25 lb. range. Adding to the day were a pair of dorado to 45
lbs. Billfish counts were on the slow side with about every third
boat landing/releasing a marlin. Overall counts for the combined 26
fishing days reflected 8 stripers, (5 releases) 2 jack cravelle, 2
skipjack tuna, 49 yellowfin tuna 8 roosterfish and 49 dorado.
Cabo Climate: Partly cloudy days and temps that went from 71 night
time lows to 99 daytime highs.
Sea Conditions: Cooler water swept around the corner from the
Pacific & moved into the Sea of Cortez at 70-71 degrees. Water
warmed offshore at about the thousand fathom curve to 79 and
increased to 82 outside the Gorda Banks.
Best Fishing Area: The billfish were scattered but more fish were
showing from San Jose and northerly to above the Gorda Banks area.
The roosters were in close to the rocky Gorda Point area.
Best Lure/Bait: Live bait was the best for both, inshore & offshore.
Live bait supply: Excellent, mostly caballitos.