Report Date:
https://www.intrepid.netHi Gang,
It's just after 0600 as I write this, on the anchor in flat calm weather, and we only have a few guys awake. Last night will one for one for the books. After an incredible dinner of fresh wahoo, the guys started catching premium grade tuna. Almost all of it was 25 to 40 pounds and it got really good really fast. Wide open premiums in the dark on sinker rigs and yo yo jigs. Gnarly. After we landed just over 100 of these tuna the yellowtail started biting. Dropper loop rigs and yo yo jigs as fast as you get in to the bottom. Most of our yellows were 14 to 18 pounds with some fish up to 25 pounds. Well over 100 yellows for our night bite. Epic. Thanks for checking in. Life is good, Captain Bill Cavanaugh and ther Intrepid Team