Report Date:
https://www.intrepid.netHi Gang,
After a few days of opportunities on big fish, we decided to stay for a short morning in hopes of another shot. The two days prior we had big fish on us in the morning so we were hoping for the same our last day. Our window came a little later than the two days prior but the fish we hooked were good ones. The first one to come over the rail was a 303# landed by Craig Norman. The second fish to hit the deck taped out at 394# and was landed by JIm Fitch. Craigs fish came on a flylined sardine on straight tied 100# and Jim's fish came on a flylined sardine on straight tied 130#. We will have an official weight on all of our big fish when we arrive back to port on Monday morning. There is a chance that Jim's fish could go 400#'s as the fish was very fat through the tail section. We will find out in a couple of days. We are working our way up the coast today and will fish a little on the way up. Our weather is nice. Thanks for checking in. Life is good, Captain Bill Cavanaugh and the Intrepid Team