Report Date:
https://www.intrepid.netWe spent our first day scratching at beautiful 40# grade Bluefin with a few larger models mixed in close to the 100# range. We had to fish with 30# test and a very small hook in order to get a bite. Come night time we scratched away some more but it wasnt what we were looking for. We decided to camp out and give it a go again yesterday. We had similar results but saw an incredible amount of fish all day. We managed to scratch out a day but when the sun went down is when we went to work. It didnt take long to find a nice school and around 9PM we located one that charged the boat. We had a giant school spread out right under the boat. Before we knew it everyone had one on. We had wide open action on 40-50 poiund fish for about two hours resulting in daily limits. Our jackpot winner for the trip goes to Clyde Lane with a 95.2# Bluefin. We are back out again for another extended 1.5 day trip and we are hoping for similar results. We will check in later.
Captain Sam Moore and the Intrepid Team