Report Date:
http://www.fishmammoth.comCrowley Lake - 5/5/22 - Water is clear - Surface temps near 55 by early afternoon, bottom temps around 50-52.
Rod Size: #5-#6 Weights
Tippet Size: 3-5X
Dries: N/A
Leader: Deep Indicator Rig 15-25ft, 9ft 4X
Nymphs: Albino Baron Wine #16, White Tiger #16 , Copper Tiger #16, Albino Baron Red #16, Red/Black Midge #16
Streamers: Black Maribou Leech #12
I scoured the lake at every opportunity I had the last week. Not seeing much going on up in the North arm, save for the big cliff at six bays. Nothing over in Layton, Sandy or Christmas yet. The bulk of the fish I saw when I was out were concentrated in Stormy and near sometimes bay near the weather pole in anywhere from 14-21ft of water. The water temps are very comfortable for these fish so they're going to be fairly spread out for a while. Most of the grabs today were on red, so either red or wine larva and copper tigers or pupa with red wire.