Check out their report before you head out fishing. We want you to be prepared for the quality of fish the fleet is running into.
36 anglers: 4 Bluefin Tuna, all over 100 pounds. Many more were hooked but heartbreaking loses were high. Please come prepared to do battle with big fish! If you’re coming out with us over the next few days please take a look at the tackle recommendations below.
1. Yellowtail/small bluefin: A flyline setup with good fresh 30lb monofilament matched with equal test flurocarbon and 1/0 to 2/0 Gamakatsu nautilus or Owner mutu circle hooks.
2. Medium size bluefin: A 40-50lb outfit with matching flurocarbon for sinker rig fishing using 4-6 ounce torpedo sinkers and heavy duty rubber bands. This rig is also great for 80-120 gram Daiwa Zakana jigs and Shimano colt snipers.
3. Big Bluefin: 60-80lb outfit with a two speed reel to fish the sinker rig and 180-250 gram knife jigs.
Departing seven days a week at 5:30am, check-in begins at 4:45am. Passports NOT required. Mexican fishing license included. Return times may be later than posted. Bunks are available and free of charge, please provide your own bedding if needed.
H&M Landing: 619-222-1144
If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 222-1144 to get in on the action.