Report Date:
https://www.intrepid.netHi Gang,
We arrrived home this morning from our annual Seeker sponsored 12 Day trip. Our jackpot winners are as follows: third place went to Guy Gilchrist with a 61.5 pound grouper, second place goes to Katerina Karakitsios with a 53.5 pound wahoo, and first place goes to Sid Uyehara with a 206.6 pound yellowfin tuna. Big fish honors for the trip goes to Marc Mallinchrodt with a Super Cow that went 316.4 pounds on the scale. Strong work everyone! Thank you to Seeker and to Lynn True for hosting the trip. Thank you to everyone that fished with us. It was a pleasure. Life is good, Captain Bill Cavanaugh and the Intrepid Team
If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 224-4088 to get in on the action.