Hello everyone; well, everything is about the same. Good weather, great fishing, and fun in the sun. We had another great day of Yellowfin tuna action, with a few Wahoo showing up in the counts,
Largest Yellowfin today was a 226-pound giant, caught by Larry Eilbott, but the birdman was close behind him, with a 196 pound Yellowfin caught on the knife jig in the dark.
Most of the Yellowfin were in the 60–90-pound range, with about 1/3 in the 120-160 range. The morning and early afternoon were very productive, but after snack time, we were bombarded by the pacific bottle nose dolphin.
So, we did a little trolling, and we came up with a few Wahoo's, nope we got more Yellowfin tuna. Taylor Pierce was trolling, as he got his personnel best Yellowfin tuna, and yes, he did take the personnel best shower.
Weather continues to be excellent, with lots of sunshine, very light breeze, and warm. I hope this keeps up for a few more months. We made more bait tonight, as it was one stop shop. With 4 and a half days left, we have lots of time to get more giants. But I hoping a few Wahoos' move in and start to bite.
So, until fingers and keyboard meet again, Good luck and good fishing, Team R/P